Olympos which is Antique Likya’s one of most important harbours , was a subject to Mitoloji during the history.At those times because of its suitability Olympos was Pirates’ settlement.Today with the historical values,3200m
long wonderful beach,Endemik Plants,Caretta Carettas and Chimaira and the nature which let to do all kinds of sports ,Olympos is known in all over the world Antique Olmpos was built in the Helenistik Period. Hamam(bath),Agora,Mabed Kapısı(Temple Door),Theater are the places could stand on until today. . B.C.100 it was a leading city and had 3voting right which made it one of six cities..B.C. 1.century the pirates haunted the city and the place became their house..Later Servilius Isaurieus the commander of Roma,had banished the pirates and cleaned the city and added to Roma’s soils.The Ironmonger God Statue in Cirali has a big fame as well.Although the city was so rich and in comfort,because of the pirates’ attackes the city became so poor and had to keep on poor by the time