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Çıralı Alibaba Pension

Cirali  is connected to Kemer and Antalya's one of heaven places.its located after Kemer and it's a very pity small village. if you follow the way Antalya - Kemer - Tekirova ,right after you pass the centenary plane trees(300m) which you will see after Ulupinar, you will see the sign "Chimaera 7 km" and by following the way you will reach us..!As soon as you arrive the flat place after the foot of the mountain,you will see that the settlement starts in both sides of the one car wide way.Your opinion which you have because of this narrow way disappears in 5-10 minutes because you will see that the place is a holiday region which has been set on a vast area…!
Çıralı Yanartaş (Chimera)
if your wish is to have open buffet meals,animation,disco and to be in thousand people,Cirali won’t be the place you search for! But we also have opportunities which might let you have good time…there is just the village road seperating the beach from the accommodation places..
Cirali starts with the 3200m long Cirali Olympos  beach and ends with the Yanartaş(Chimaera) mountain. In the village there are pity pensions.ALİBABA PENSION is on of them.In Cirali beach there are CARETTA CARETTAS and because of this the area is declared as settlement place so that no building is allowed in the place…!since no buildings allowed the villagers have converted their houses to pensions with adding a few rooms to them to cover the need of accommodation for tourists...What makes the place is different is that the food you eat is 100%natural and by the way you eat healthy.We may recommend you to eat meat or fresh fish  on the grill,very delicious…!You will have the taste of house meals.Our mum the cooker Saniye will feed you with full portions but you will wish to eat more cause you will like them so much.Dont worry that you’ll gain kilos because you will spend all calories in the sea.. 
Another activity you can do in Cirali is YACHT  TOURS. Everyday with these tours you will visit Maden cove,Boncuklu cove,Ceneviz cove,Sazak cove,Adrasan,Phaselis Antique Çıralı OlimposPlace,Prasalı Island,Three Islands and others one of which is more beautiful than the 
other.During the tours you may have sun bath ,rest or if you like you may do fishing as well.In every cove about 1hour breaks given and eating on the middle of the sea 
is excellent..!

